Freezing problems.


Hi there people
Sorry if this has been asked already.
I have one of these boxes but for the past couple of weeks I've been getting a lot of freezing on all of my pay channels. It run one of the custom sly skins. I'm fairly sure it's not the line as I'm running the same line on an open box in another room and that's fine after I did an update to the latest channel list. But how do I do this on the zgemma box. I have no idea with all the menus on this box.
Please I hope someone can help.
Cheers in advance

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im not very clued up but i think changing your line type may help, i had the same problem and changed from an N line to a C and my freezing stopped
By that you mean use a different line?? Not very knowledgeable on this stuff.

Sent from my SM-G357FZ using Tapatalk
Well this line is due to expire the end of next month. So I will probably be looking about for another. But to be fair to the person who supplied me it does reply to me and does try and sort things out for me, so I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and let him try and sort it.

Sent from my SM-G357FZ using Tapatalk
So at the moment I have the line as cccam. So are you saying I can request it to be an mgcamd or an Oscam???

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Ok cheers mate I'll try it and give it a go. Thanks for the advice appreciate it.

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