Gears of War screenwriter wants The Rock for Marcus Fenix


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By: David Hinkle


Chris Morgan recently wrapped up his script for the Gears of War movie, and it's right around now that the folks behind the production of the film need to start thinking about a cast, with Marcus Fenix obviously being the most important character. While you may think thespians such as Sean Penn, Mickey Rourke, and Bruce Willis would do well in the role, Morgan actually likes Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, he told MTV.

Morgan applauds The Rock's depth, saying he can "play the tough guy, but he can also play the nuanced, sensitive funny sad moments as well." He would need that depth, too, because if there's anything that must make it into the film, it's the game's deep, emotional storyline and characters.

Via DigitalBattle
Eh, Mr. screenwriter, aint marcus Fenix white :)
Should be someone like Mickey Rourke as marcus!!!
Maybe the Rock for cole although i think the rock sometimes can let a lead part down, probably better having michael clark duncan who we all know from the green mile as coletrain!
last but not least Karl Urban as Dom, who cares about baird lol
Now there's a cast!
Wanna make this a hit get in a good cast, they probably know its gonna be a hit anyway so they will go cheap and leave us all down id imagine.