Girl falls through footpath in China


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The moment a girl fell through a footpath while walking down a street in northern China has been captured on surveillance footage.


Underground water had eroded the ground under the road

The moment a girl fell through a footpath while walking down a street in northern China has been captured on surveillance footage.

State television reported that the pavement caved in under the teenager's weight as soon as she stepped onto a section of the footpath.

A passing taxi driver stopped at the scene and climbed into the six-metre (20 foot) deep pit to help the girl.

Underground water had eroded the ground under the road and caused a cavity under the pavement, state television reported.

"I called out to her but she didn't respond. After I shook her a little, she came to," said Wang Wei, a taxi driver in the northern city of Xi'an.

The ground in the pit continued to shift while the taxi driver and the girl were still in it, which made it impossible for them to climb out until firefighters extended a ladder in to help them.

"The ladder kept moving about, it's a little flimsy and the girl kept screaming out of fear. So I told her to go first and I'll be right behind her. Finally we managed to get out," Mr Wang said.

Footage showed the pair emerging from the hole and being pulled to safety with the help of firefighters and passers-by.

Saw this yesterday, very frightening to think it could happen just like that, took ages to get them both out.
Ya them too lol

It would make you wonder what the foundations are like under some of their buildings though?
saw this on the news. rather scary as you say if there is a big hole under the footpath god knows what holding the buildings up! Thankfully for the young girl someone was driving past and saw what happened otherwise could have taken ages from that clip to get to emergency services as they would be watching it back in disbelief!