Gizmo my Chameleon


ok im on a roll with this new toy of mine so here are 2 vids of Gizzy my Chameleon. one is of him taking food form my hand and the other one - oops i upset him, you ca see his mouth open and he is hissing - dont think he liked being filmed lol!

ps sorry news was on in background lol! and yup a bit shakey with the phone trying to get him inbetween the rope in his tank
Enjoy :)
lol Wheelo you know what its like with a new toy :) I can see its gonna come in handy. Plus its far easier and quicker to do vids than take piccies n upload them to pb 1st lol! Plus its nice to see the reptile in action rather than just a still - espesh when you manage to get them eating or tasting the air, tounge pictures are hard to get
Great videos Linny and the quality is excellent too.

We'll have to start calling you Linny Spielberg lol (y)

Gman well its HD apparently on the iphone i just need to learn to hold it properly lol! thanks x

watch out for a few more vids after the weekend ill go to shop and take some of the reps in there to show ya :)
Gismo is gorgeous Linny.We Will have to Rename you Linny the Lionheart.Love the vids Linny Thanks(y)
well i took some very short vids yesterday will load them to youtube and put them in here for you all to see - actualyl might make a new thread for them, so that i can add to that every now and again :)