Hard Hitting TV Ads (WARNING! Not for the squeamish)


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These Videos are not designed to be nice, they are hard hitting reminders of how silly mistakes can ruin people's lives & how things are not always as they may seem.

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Got something in your throat? We won't spoil this commercial for you, in case you haven't seen it. Let's just say it's utterly distressing—a worthy winner as the freakiest commercial of 2009.

Get Real Get a Prescription:


What appears to be a schoolyard fight turns out to be a lot worse in this hard-hitting British PSA. Presumably not based on actual events.


Embrace Life - always wear your seat belt


Designate a driver "Some Things Can't Be Reversed"


Safe Sex


Drug Driving


Drink Drive 2 Trapped


A child is a mirror


Cancer Serial Killer Profile


Domestic Violence


This PSA cautioned against smoking dope and driving, and featured an appropriately grisly ending. The message was confusing, though, as the man gets run down by fate after doing the right thing—letting his sober wife take the wheel.


Smoking – Everybody takes a beating


What would you do if your body turned against you

If you had Parkinson’s you’d find out


Stroke – Act Fast


In this harrowing road-safety PSA, a man goes through life haunted by a boy he killed while speeding. Depressing to the max!

Kill your Speed or Live with it


This video from a small police department in Wales went viral all over the world, thanks to its depiction of the bloody consequences of texting and driving. Impressively gruesome.


This devastating PSA about sexual abuse showed a boy struggling for normalcy as he carries a dying version of himself through his daily life.

