Help adding new line :)

man what have you done!!! lol, press exit and if that fails reboot box!

As for hiding adult content there is parental controls on the main menu but have never used it, you can also go into autobouquet maker and take out the adult section...
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Lol my girlfriend said exactly the same thing lol already tried that mate, but hasnt worked still the same, good way to learn though hahaha lol

Am I going to have to start from scratch? :(
Fek I hope not - the mrs is already giving me evils for spending all my time on here!!! :no no:

If you press the previous / next buttons on the remote does the epg change??
Sorry mate :( no how you feel, but tbh Im confident I can start from scratch and have it up and running again within an hour, like I say I pick this sort of thing up quick ;)

What you reckon?
Yeah i pressed record, then changed channel, but that was before I seen you post saying to power off the box before adding the harddrive

I can still access all menus etc, just no channels or guides
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ok, power off - put usb stick back in and power on..... Is it working?? (ie without hdd)

EPG info is saved to your USB so it won't find it if you've unplugged it!!! lol
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No mate :( what a numb f*** I am haha

Tell you what mate ill leave it there for the night let you get back to your lass and post back tomorrow? will you be about in the morning if I need a little help?
don't reflash you'll be able to get back from this I'm sure.... If you've got your hdd connected and mounted just re-run autobouquetsmaker, (you may need to configure it to save to your hdd). Have a look I'm sure you'll find it and get it sorted, but yes mate have access from work but may be a little slower responding.
Just another quick one before you go lol sorry lol my external hdd, does it need to go in the back usb port? replace the usb stick?
I have a small USB stick in the front port for EPG and my HDD in the back. You can also use a USB hub in the back if you want.
ftp to box and delete

CCcam.cfg from \etc


Menu, TSpanel, Softcams, Install (blue button), mgcamd 1.38.


Copy your line details into newcamd.list (in \var\keys)


Go to TSpanel, Softcams, And start mgcamd 1.38

Hopefully all should be ok....... must add I don't use an nline and others have struggled with my image doing so. ~If you can try and let me know I'd be grateful. Don't forget you don't include the "N" in your line, just the server and password details.

when you say reboot box does this mean restart ?

---------- Post Merged at 09:12 AM ----------

yes, i believe your newcamd.list file should look like this........

CWS = server port\A0username password\A001 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

on my newcamd file from skyboxf5s it dosent have drop down list like that or has incoming port just cws = =========================== in 1 line
when you say reboot box does this mean restart ?
- Yes

with regards the newcamd.list you need these two lines

and this one....

CWS = server port\A0username password\A001 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

just replace "server port\A0username password\A0" in the line above with your line details.

Just to confirm the instructions in this thread are for OpenATV, there's a different way of installing the softcam in Vix but the newcamd.list and mg_cfg files are the same.
dsayers2014 - just recheck your line and all details in this thread have been followed and that you are using OpenATV!!! Very strange for it to work for one user but not another??
Of course, however as mentioned earlier in the thread mine is a cline and my only experience of nlines is what I've gleemed from others on here. Are you sure there isn't any typo's??