Husband is no pro

Hi, My husband has a general knowledge of cars. He has been fixing our 88 cutlass Ciera Oldsmobile piece of crap for years. However the head gasket is shot to hell and it needs a new battery. How hard is it to fix the head gasket because he wont take it to a pro and is it even worth fixing.
Have a read of this,

headgasket repairs i would not let a diy person to undertake,there is too much to go wrong=scrap car been one,some cars have timing chains,others have timing belts all very important if put back together wrong,torque wrench and facilities to get head skimmed if possible or worst scenario a new head like the good old rover cars.with a car that old maybe not worth it as some cars when head is done they have a tendency to drink oil afterwards and be very smokey.
Been there with the rover head cact lol!! I had one go wrong, aluminium head warped after overheating :mad:.
you do know you are supposed to check oil an water regularly and keep an eye on the instrument guagesROFLgood old:censored: rover lol