Irishman shot in throat at Florida firing range


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AN Irishman was recovering in hospital today after being shot twice at a shooting range in the US.

Gary Flynn was visiting the firing range in Florida when another man's gun accidentally went off, hitting three people.

Gary (29) was shot in the throat and shoulder. The owner of the gun was shot in the hand and the gun-owner's wife was shot in the arm.

He was rushed to hospital where he underwent surgery.

Mr Flynn, from Kilcoole, Co Wicklow, was visiting the US and had gone to the shooting range with a friend who lives in the area.

A spokeswoman for the Lakeland Regional Medical Centre told the Herald that Mr Flynn was "in good condition" following his surgery.


The incident happened on Saturday morning at the Saddle Creek Range in Davenport.

Mr Flynn was standing behind a shooting stall next to a married couple, Michael and Sherri Thourot.

A handgun "went off' after Mr Thourot placed it on a table.

"For some unknown reason, the Jennings 9mm handgun the Thourots were using accidentally fired, striking Mr Thourot in the left hand, Mrs Thourot in the left arm, and Mr Flynn in the shoulder and throat," said Donna Wood, of the Polk County Sheriff's Office.


Detectives said the gun fired at least three bullets after Mr Thourot put the gun down on the table facing his wife, rather than adhering to proper safety procedure which should have pointed it down range.

Sgt Ken Hall said: "According to them, they set the gun down and it just went off and started spewing rounds."

Mr Flynn was lying on the ground following the shooting as people called for an ambulance. He underwent surgery and was listed in stable condition afterwards. He was reported to be conscious and talking following the operation.

The gun was taken away for inspection. Police were said to be interested to discover if the gun had been modified in any way.