Is there a way to update\add one channel ??


Hi everyone,
just a quick question, i am fairly neew toall this stuff. Just got my f3 box today. Was just wondering is there a way to add one single channel. For example if c4 wasn't on the list, can i add just channel 4. Or do i have to add everything.

If i add everything in one go, do i retain all my settings or should i do a dump to usb first just in case??

Thanks. no doubt with some answers i will ask some more questions, so please bear with me.


You can add as much as you like or as little as you like, first thing is go to the menu and get to edit channel here you will see to your right your edit list press ok on remote and the first box will highlight, now if you have favourites list go in there now on left you will have a list if you dont see all satellite channels press the red button and select all, now on the right hand side you will have your fav list to change from list to list, if you want to bring a channels from the main list to a fav list you press the fav button on remote while the left box is highlighted and change the right with remote after you pick your channel press ok then scroll across to center box and press on the plus sign with key pad the scroll back to the left and press ok thats it done