Issues with EPG and Autobouquests


Hi all,

The SAT-box seems to be losing scanned channels whenever I restart the box.

So lets say I had 930 channels that populates the Autobouquests, viewable when I press the TV button on the remote and also viewable from the EPG page. Whenever the box is rebooted, everything is lost. I have to do a manual scan that takes about 15minute before any channel can be viewed. Is this normal?

Is there a way to get the box to sort the EPG into bouquest: All, entertainment, news etc?

Is there a way to control the channel numbering?

Lastly, it would be good to be able to filter out the HD channels since most of them are not available. Any ideals?

Thanks for your time.
Yes, region was set as SD.

Ahhhhh, there is another below that says - Generate HD Bouquets. Seems that is where the problem lies.

Thanks cactikid.

Channels and EPG are gone after reboot
If you're using Autobouquets use the custom option not SD or HD, this gives you the available HD channels and filters out the no goers!

As far as losing channels...that's a new one on me. I'd make sure you're saving your drive/sd is properly initialised in the box, mounted correctly and save locations set properly for epgdata other than that I've no idea sorry pal
@cactikid, @mtpockets thanks for your feedback. You are both correct about "channels should not be lost by rebooting". After rebooting, when I click on the TV button, it takes me to the second page of the Autobouquest which has only two items. I was wrongly thinking that this was the only page. My bad. When I move to the first page, the channels are there. Thanks again.

But I am really missing the EPG. USB is correctly save a couple of programs in there. Talking about USBs, would the Zgemma box recognise USB 3:0. I am currently using 64GB of USB 2.0 but I just saw an ad for 128GB USB 3.0 for about £17. Any idea if this will work. I guess most HHD are 3.0 nowadays.
not sure on the 3.0,if you lose your epg as say you power off box and on i dont have epg,i download it again and alls well again.

i use the sd on abm and still have my hd listed on the end of list and the odd time press sky 1 hd and wait and wait until i check gone to far lol
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When you say you "download it again", do you mean you perform a scan to get back the epg? Or is there a way to load it without doing the scan?