Satellite just ordered hs7-c for virgin/sky - what image is best?

Spent weeks on teamviewer over the past year or so with these boxes.
They're utter, pure weapons grade shite.
Every time they reboot it's a lottery as to wether any/all settings have been remembered.
Flash it, put sat, iptv and cable on, get everything working fine and then restart, - nothing.
Either sticks on boot or boots back to previous image with nothing installed
Spent weeks on teamviewer over the past year or so with these boxes.
They're utter, pure weapons grade shite.
Every time they reboot it's a lottery as to wether any/all settings have been remembered.
Flash it, put sat, iptv and cable on, get everything working fine and then restart, - nothing.
Either sticks on boot or boots back to previous image with nothing installed
Spot on pabs, 10 hrs this week in between my milling work. No more but i got them running real nice mind. Just backup and re backup and re back up as you go. This would have cooked even the best at doing boxes i can honestly say that. Was taking bits from 3 different firmware crossing ipk files and command prompt. Pinching a bit of grog-bit of willo-bit of abu- bit of ferret ect ect. I can honestly say i can do these and over come any issues now. Pure2-atv/vix = woosh-grog[willo=ferret/micks build and so on. (y)