kryptview birmingham, updated latest firmware, scanned channels, but not all showing.


hey guys
i hope you can help
i have a kryptview box, which has been updated. i was getting bad signal on some channels, so did a fresh rescan.
however now its only finding about 30 channels, some premium channels discovery, asian ones etc, but not channels such as itv.

is there anything i can do, so i can get the fulll channel list.. i have virgin superhub recently insalled...

i am selecting

birmingham, 41011 (a033) - Birmingham 750

telewest, network and doing a search...

its finding about 57 tp channels to browse from...

is there anything i am doing wrong...

please advise
are you scanning from the main coaxial feed and not thru splitters,also have you tried other net ids?:)
Also how have you updated, you must update over the net by selecting SW Update from the installation section in the menu, then I suggest factory reset in the same section, then do your rescan. Previous older manual updates will not pick all the channels up..
Check your VM sub box for correct NetID -----Settings--Tech Stuff--Top=Net ID

Scan from wall socket no splitter.

Super Hub works fine with KV

Older firmware has not been turned off as yet,all channels still available

To change Net ID factory reset {this may have to be done more than once) and rescan.

If box worked before unlikely to be Net ID,most like connections eg splitter,cables
i have updated to latest software, however i don't have a vm sub box, so i don't know net id and any other technical info...
i just have a kryptview box via splitter (one for cable modem superhub and one for kyrptview)

i will try it without the splitter and see if that makes a difference,

thanks for your response guys, i appreciate it
hey guys
i hope you can help
i have a kryptview box, which has been updated. i was getting bad signal on some channels, so did a fresh rescan.
however now its only finding about 30 channels, some premium channels discovery, asian ones etc, but not channels such as itv.

is there anything i can do, so i can get the fulll channel list.. i have virgin superhub recently insalled...

i am selecting

birmingham, 41011 (a033) - Birmingham 750

telewest, network and doing a search...

its finding about 57 tp channels to browse from...

is there anything i am doing wrong...

please advise

no m8
doesnt seem like your doing anything wrong your on same net id to me and all is ok here
try a software update and a factory rescan after its done
take ethernet cable out then scan put back in after and reset all pouter box etc...
57tp is what i get when i scan so your ok there
that is why people should post what firmware is on their box,sometimes it is not the current one and if we are 100% then its easier to fix,you have to scan from main coaxial feed,thru splitters you will lose channels as signal may be weaker.:)
still not picking up all the channels....did factory reset etc, its all updated i tried the 2 bham locations and telewest as my provider and 'network', but still not getting all the channels, even itv1 is missing etc
What date does your firmware say in the system information section (you will find it at the installation section of the menu - at the top) wakkaday

jodav :)

26/04 2012

kyrptvieww a780 pvv4.1.01

is the details on my system information.

i have tried a scan without ethernet and its the same problem.
you don't have to have any manual settings i could enter do you? please

No manual settings are ever needed.

Have you tried setting the network from Telewest to NTL?
hi m8 yes ive tried ntl settings....

and it says under the secton "list of network id"

"already exists" 1-8 and does a search and finds nothing...

when i try telewest its brings the different towns and finds channels, but not all...

i do have a splitter cable, one to router and the other to the box. i have disconnected the cable to the router and tried the above methods, but its still doing the same thing...i've also tried with ethernet cable out of the kv box and methods suggests and its still the same...
If you are with virginmedia, you need to be on NTL network. try factory reset and new search on NTL.
virgin are the suppliers in the area at the moment, but i don't who the company was before i moved in.
i will keep trying ntl then? but telewest seems to be the only one actually picking up channels..

my cable is in "rf in" port...this is really strange...
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