load on constant


I thought I had to flash the box not sort the firmware?

Yes this is the top one one on the f5/f3 page thought its 28/3/2013 SkyBox | SkyBox

As soon as I get the lead I'll let you knwo how I get on, thanks for your help. Its all a learning curve

I thought I had to flash the box not sort the firmware?

Yes this is the top one one on the f5/f3 page thought its 28/3/2013 SkyBox | SkyBox

As soon as I get the lead I'll let you knwo how I get on, thanks for your help. Its all a learning curve

Yes, you do need to flash the box, but you have to flash it with something (i.e. firmware).

The firmware you linked to is the latest. It's old because the F3/F5 boxes are old models & no longer supported.
I've had this on a couple of skybox's before.
My first course of action was always to reflash with rs232 cable.
When it happened again I couldn't be arsed doing it immediately, so I switched box off and forgot about it for a few days.
Switched back on when ready to reflash days later and box was fine!
Maybe not great if you are looking forward to some sport/movie/event but saves a lot of hassle if you don't feel confident in reflashing.....
I've ordered the one you have suggested and what the other users have used. Hopefully I can work it out soon as I get it
I have got the cable but I'm a little stuck now on what to do next. I have been given a cd with the lead and opened up the "USB to RS232 cable" folder but the software will not install

Can you advise please?

What version of windows are you running? You might only need the CD if your operating system is XP.

Have you tried plugging the lead into a USB port to see if it loads the drivers automatically?
Its Windows 7 home.

I have plugged the leads in and it didn't do out so then I put the cd in. The cd has loads of drives/folders in it

Have I got to do something in the ports of the device manager?
I'm up the stage of the com port. I'm not sure what com port it is in and when I browse for the firmware on my desktop it doesn't show up and when I open it with WINRAR on my desktop it comes up with the error message "Cannot Open"
Is the Erom Upgrade Tool the same as the Upgrade_PVR Tool as I dont have the latter present in WINRAR?

Also I assume the box only needs the null cable being plugged in and not the aerial connection as I am going to attempt to try it at work
Is the Erom Upgrade Tool the same as the Upgrade_PVR Tool as I dont have the latter present in WINRAR?

Also I assume the box only needs the null cable being plugged in and not the aerial connection as I am going to attempt to try it at work

I have edited my first post in the "Recover dead Skybox by RS232" thread, to remove references to PVR800. I have now added a link to skybox.cc to download the particular tool thats relevant to your box. The F3_M3 is the one for your box (although the F3s/F5s should work on the F5 as well).

Yep. You only need the null modem cable & power supply.
OK. Also in this part below I assume that means where the software is located e.g. my desktop and its just the location address e.g. c:/users/desktop that needs to be entered?

In the pop-up box, navigate to where you downloaded the firmware for your box. Note...the firmware will also need to be unpacked first with winrar.
OK. Also in this part below I assume that means where the software is located e.g. my desktop and its just the location address e.g. c:/users/desktop that needs to be entered?

In the pop-up box, navigate to where you downloaded the firmware for your box. Note...the firmware will also need to be unpacked first with winrar.

If you downloaded the firmware for the box to your desktop, then you should be able to choose your desktop directly from the pull-down-menu, without having to go through C:/users etc.
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It doesn't show up when you browse for it. None of the WINRAR files do for some reason

I think I may just have to enter the address manually you see.

I'll see how it goes and let you know later
I have just done it and it displays "nocH". Does that mean it works? I wont know untill I get home now to try it you see
I have just done it and it displays "nocH". Does that mean it works? I wont know untill I get home now to try it you see

I take it that you must have sorted out the "missing" firmware file. When you browse, it will only look for .abs files, so if it wasn't unpacked with winrar (or similar program), then it wouldn't be recognised.

The "noch" displayed means "no channels". It has booted OK & now needs a channel list installed.