looking for beta testers for a sat and cable custom mix plugin

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If I changed the skin to a sky q skin would he custommix.xml still auto update?

thanks ton

This ipk has been taken off line so it won't update the custommix.xml this is due to not having enough bandwidth on my webserver so if you've downloaded the ipk and updated the custom.xml that's the on that's the only version you will have but the custom.xml will still work with any skin.

This feature will only work on my image it downloads the custom.xml when abm updates when I find an alternative webserver I will release another ipk that will setup the providers settings for you then all you would need to change is your sky uk area and virgin uk area
Cool, I installed your new image today and its working great, I just thought i could change the skin and it would still work when abm updates. I am new to this so bear with me.
Just to check, what actual different should I see on my box on this once I've installed it! sorry for being thick....

In the sky sports interactive bouquet you should have prime events and sports events from channel 1010 to 1018

Please post in my image thread rather than this one because I'm going to get the mods to lock this thread as the plugin is no longer supported
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