Mag 250 Freeze & Swich Off



I was wondering if anyone else is getting a 'freeze & switch off' of their Mag250? This is becoming more frequent, and getting really bad. I contacted the box supplier, he said this will happen sometimes. I am not sure what I can try. Also, when I try to move a favorite, the whole box stalls, and powers down.

Any help is appreciated.
Could be a number of things.Try another power supply.Is your firmware up to date, Restart your internet,if using wireless,try wired.Check your portal.
Hi Formandvoid (nice

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have changed the power adapter, reset the internet and changed the network cable, still no change. I am still having this issue.
Hi Formandvoid (nice

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have changed the power adapter, reset the internet and changed the network cable, still no change. I am still having this issue.

Cheers,must be faulty box.

I was wondering if anyone else is getting a 'freeze & switch off' of their Mag250? This is becoming more frequent, and getting really bad. I contacted the box supplier, he said this will happen sometimes. I am not sure what I can try. Also, when I try to move a favorite, the whole box stalls, and powers down.

Any help is appreciated.

where is your box located? its not heating up is it?
Hi Skyvmninja (these names get better
The box is on the TV stand, away from everything, but does get hot, so I have it sitting, upside down as the air vents are at the bottom. Even when its not hot ( I unplug in from the mains when not in use), after switch on, after about 10mins, it starts. As Formandvoid said in the last post, the box may have become faulty.