Miracle box premium HD - Nar stuck on

hoping someone can help me here. I have the above box running VIX and its been working fine but somehow i have turned on NAR. Some of the Sky Movie channels have NAR option turned on, no idea how i did it but now i cant turn it off. If i press the audio button it bring up a box in the top LHS showing:
Select Audio Track

Digital down mix on
aac downmix on
channel stereo

1 MPEG English X

On the problem channels i have the above but with:


how on earth do i get the NAR off and back to english?? pressing the audio button again just brings up subtitles.
Driving me mad as its on the SKY SCFI HD channel :))
search the forum, you will see this is effecting all cable boxes, there is a fix floating about which works on ATV 6.1 but not 6 apparently, not sure if it works on VIX
cheers grog im just going to wait until there is a permanent fix..luckily i have a iptv provider..thanks
hi having same problem with nar tried config download and deleted bouquets and now i have lost half of my hd channels and still have problem with nar on the rest
any ideas how i can get my hd channels back i have done a manuel scan but that hasn't worked
i have found the channels when i press the yellow button but they come up in last download how do i get them into my movie list
chers dave
ive still been searching if anything has happened re a fix for the NAR issues, anyone shed any more light?

Mine is fixed since i reflashed box to new version

Sent from my HTC 10 using Tapatalk
Ok the good news.
Its been a while since i setup the box and tbh cant remember how to do a thing :-)
is there a link to a walk thru on how to upgrade?
tried the Mini+ plus image. copied to fat32 usb drive , powered down and inserted usb stick. Powered up but no option to update on boot up, it just starts up as normal??
if box does not have an image for it possibly support has stopped for it maybe other makers still support it.
only use images that have your named box as bricking comes easy.

there are numerous old type fixes lincsat has commented on trying these if not supported by new images.
tried the Mini+ plus image. copied to fat32 usb drive , powered down and inserted usb stick. Powered up but no option to update on boot up, it just starts up as normal??
You could try renamimg the file called noforce to force, power down your box and power back on and see if it will flash.

You do so at your own risk as if the image is not meant for your box you run the risk of bricking it.
Vix have said they won't support this box anymore.

There is a patch which might or might not work depending on your model
so don't waste your time finding out.

Switch to OpenATV 6.1

then follow this guide

Did one the other week and it works fine.
Ok so i found out that My box is actually a Premium Mini+ Hybrid, there was an image to get it up to open vix 5.1.
After some brain scratching i slowly remembered how to set it up and the box is fully working again with no NAR on the HD channel which is superb :-)

thx for all the advice and help

last question the front display used to show the time but has now switch to channel & date when on standby. Anyone know how to get it back to showing the time? must of spent 30mins looking thru all the menu's
