Need EPG Help

Need some help with downloading epg. Didn't notice anything in the forum that matches my issue. I just got a new iptv service. When I first tried it on my phone it was great so I ordered it. When I connected it on my android box though the EPG wouldn't download and posters for movies and series weren't showing. I talked to provider and they didn't know why it wasn't working. After trying a few things it was working on my phone sometimes but not always and it wasn't working on android box at all. I finally noticed that it works on my phones data but not on those Wi-Fi. My dad got same sub and he's only had it on android box and it had not worked. It has something to do with Wi-Fi but in not sure how to resolve this. Any suggestions?
Isp can’t block downloading epg and picons for vod and series I would ask your to provider to reload the epg data and picon data for vod