New to iptv

Hi guy's,
As my name suggests I 'aintgotaclue ' regarding iptv.
I used a openbox v8s before purchasing a lg smart tv, and purchased a N Line which for the openbox was great, but we all know what's happened to these type of lines. So now I have the smart tv, and I need to know how to get the skyuk channels back on iptv, as I've been told this is the way forward. I need step by step instructions, and being a pensioner I need people to be patient with me.

If anyone can help me get up and running, i would be ever so greatful.

Hi, first of all welcome to the world of IPTV, there is loads of help on these forums, so when you get stuck, use the search function at the top and chances are you will find the answers......if not, just post a thread and there are loads of people who will help.

First step, post in here

State what you need, so in your case IPTV for an LG tv. Read the first post on that thread though, prepare for lots of messages, take loads of trials, don't sign up for a year immediately, take it a month or so at a time, once you find a good test line. Any decent provider will give you step by step instructions on how to add it to your TV.....if they don't give you instructions or don't know what to do walk away.

Good luck!!