Original sky box hack?


Is there any way to hack my old original sky box and install Linux enigma2 on it?

or even any way to hack or jsilbreak it so it can take a CCcam line?
dont see why anyone would bother, it is custom built for sly, too many things to consider, too many problems to overcome, it must have been easier to come up with cs
Sly find it very easy to communicate with there boxes, so any hack would be short lived as all updates of software to there boxes are broadcast using there satellite technology, so its better to use emulators boxes until sly decide to switch off cs.
As far as I know the boxes only talk back to sky if a phone line is connected, my modem is not connected to a phone line.
Theres also a way to trick the box into thinking it's connected to a phone line so you can use the box for free sat with no card.
Box software is able to upgrade via the lnb cable, thats how the firmware and card permissions are upgraded. The telephone line is only used to make sure that the box is at a certain address. I worked for sky and whenever upgraded sky packages it was all done through the signal and not the phone line. You need a freesat card for freesat, take the card out and you still get free to air, nothing to do with the phone line
Ah so what I've been reading on the net is wrong so, and there's me thinking everything on the net is factual:nolisten:
Years ago you used to be able to cheat the box into thinking that you had payed for box office using the phone line, that was quickly sorted. For multiroom boxes you used to have to be connected to the phone line, that was to check it was at the correct address, they have scrapped that now, saying they send a random signal at any time to check, but never had a problem with friends boxes in Spain. They cannot track where the box is via satellite signals though.
Ah thanks for the info so mate.

While I have you there could I pick your brain about something?

cloud ibox 2 tsmedia plugin problem, any addon I use to watch a movie the menu down the bottom pops up every few seconds making the movie unwatchable, the menu with movie duration, pause, rewind and so on.

Have you ever came across this problem, I'm on the latest version of tsmedia

Never noticed it in the past to be honest. What box and image are you on? Try pointing your remote away from the box, have had it with a tv remote where it is running out of batteries and has changed channels lol