Id like to hear about peoples experience on overclocking, how they did it, and if it fried their cpu or improved their overall performance however little it may be, options not available to me as its locked through my BIOS, thanks dell
I've got a Intel Dual Core E2220 2.4ghz OC'd to 2.9ghz on stock voltage. I had it at 3.0 and it was stable running Prime95, but I was having some other issues so I backed it of until I took care of them. The temps stay around 25 to 27 c idle and up to 40 when encoding video, so I am fairly pleased. I think I can tell a fair difference in performance on encoding but I never thought to check it time wise prior to the oc. If you can ever get away from a proprietary board, just be sure to run something to keep an eye on your temps.
im a tad bit away from building my own at the moment but i am looking into it, not looking to build the best machine out there but if i could get something up and running myself it would be an acheivment in itself, motherboards are expensive! and then you gotta go get components, itll be time consuming and costly id say.
nice one moh thanks, clicked the thanks button too, let us know how your getting on with it and parts an all that in the other thread when you get around to it!
nice one moh thanks, clicked the thanks button too, let us know how your getting on with it and parts an all that in the other thread when you get around to it!
Mobo ASUS P5E - cpu Intel Quad Core Q6600 2.4 overclocked to 3.6 - aircooled by Zalman CNPS9700-LED Super Aero - Memory OCZ Reaper 9200@1200Mhz - HDD x 4 sata2 in two seperate raid0 arays Avarage read 163.2Mb/s
:woot: Runs fast as f**k and over a year and half old now..
Did have problems with mobo and memory compatability finally asus sorted all the probs on 7th bios release this is the problems you have watch when buying latest gear
you might be able to adjust your voltage settings even if your bios is locked. there jare some dos based, and windows based programs that overide the bios. you could look into that if you are serious. but you really need proper cooling. I have turned my laptop up just a hair. I might not notice the difference, but it puts my mind at ease knowing i am getting more that i paid for. lol
well let me jump in on this.(oh yea my first post here)
this is what i have
E8400 @3.65GHZ
Mushkin DDR2 800 @5-5-5-18 2T 1066mhz.
eVga Geforce 7600gt
ACF7 Pro cooler
Corsair 650tx psu.
1x250gb & 1x500gb segate hdd
1x500gb WD GPhdd.
optaric AD-7200A,AD-7200S,AD-7220S,
lite-on DH-20A4P.
CM RC690 case 10 total fans
ive had my E8400 stable @4.1ghz for 48 hours backed it back down to 3.65ghz and has been running there for almost a year now. im currently at 3.50ghz. due to that fact i just got a replacement mobo and dont wanna push it to much out of the
my E8400 is the CO stepping not the awesome EO
I use RAID 0 myself & I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but it makes a world of a difference. My old tug does a XP install from Disc to Desktop in 7 Mins Approx. & it's totally down to the RAID.
I've never used RAID. NOT confident with it so don't mess about with me computering experiences that much. lol.
I have a Gigabyte P35-DS3P with an E6850 OC'd to 3.6GHz.. which isn't much I know but I like mine to be stable and the heat was a bit much on air any higher. PLUS for some reason I never made it past 3.8 stable. I also NEVER volted over 1.475v. Me is a chicken. lol. ;)
I also have a Q6600 (B3 stepping tho) running at a comfortable 3.0GHz on a DFI mobo. ;)
I'll give more specs if ye like but NOTHING really fancy or extreme in the OC category.. I play it to safe maybe but I need my machines to last since I be poorer than that guy looking at the traveling caravan. :)
1.475v is kinda hi but cant the E6850 handle 1.5v? i know i have asked that before but i dont remember the answer..lmao.right now my volts are in auto and running at 1.25v on my vcore. and CPU running at 3.5ghz
1.475v is kinda hi but cant the E6850 handle 1.5v? i know i have asked that before but i dont remember the answer..lmao.right now my volts are in auto and running at 1.25v on my vcore. and CPU running at 3.5ghz
Yeh you're right Rob but you know me.. I is chicken when it comes to certain things. lol. And volts on a CPU is one of them. :p I have it high enough for me. I made some improvements to the encoding times of my rig with just the little OC that I did. NOT quite the 20% improvement but 10%-15% for sure. ;)
btw... I think you're due for a GPU upgrade. ;) I'll see what the Man in Brown can do for you.... ROFL.
yea ive actually backed mine down to 3.5ghz and once i decide which cpu im gonna get for my B-day this E8400 will go back to stock 3.0ghz for the kiddio's to play COD4
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