overcoming glitching


hi i have a magbox with a crap 8mb sky bb connection. when ever anyone in the house goes on the internet and streams a video etc the magbox starts glitching.

Is there anyway i can change the settings in the sky router to make the magbox connection a priority so it freezes less?
hi i have a magbox with a crap 8mb sky bb connection. when ever anyone in the house goes on the internet and streams a video etc the magbox starts glitching.

Is there anyway i can change the settings in the sky router to make the magbox connection a priority so it freezes less?
No mate you have to buy a different router with this certain software on so that it priorities mag box mate or upgrade your bb to fibre with 8mbps that has to be shared with everyone on network you could always deactivate wifi whilst watching iptv on router settings but would need to be able to access router through ethanet to turn it back on once done