Windows Vista PC boots problems


Hi there.

I am sitting with a problem where I boot my pc and it starts for 3 seconds then powers down.
I have read and googled this problem but still no solution.

Tried to short it out with a screwdriver and works.

changed power switches and the it does'nt work?

any help would do

I take it by "Short it out" you mean shorting the switch connector pins on the Motherboard momentarily?

That boots the machine & it works fine from that point on until you power down yourself?

It doesn't make sense? I mean that the logic can't be right?

If it works fine when improvised by shorting the Mobo terminals then logic dictates that it has to be

1. The switch

2. The leads

3. Loose connection either at the switch end or the the terminals where they push onto the Mobo connections?

Are you sure you're not using a reset switch or connecting to the reset terminals?

ah Gman...thnx for ur support...found the problem..

guys if for any reason u get this problem..remember DUST is a menace..........there was some dust fluff on the terminals of the switch itself on the front cover...blew it out and whaallla
There you go, logic always wins in the end. :)

Glad you got sorted (y)

And welcome to Techkings by the way :)

lol and that aint in the techy handbook

I know!

Don't you just love the troubleshooting section of the user manuals?

1. Are all the leads connected? lol

2. Is the unit turned on? ROFL

You know how it goes? :doh:
