Possible to add kodi or Popcorn Time ?


As the title suggests . Using Wooshbuild and wondering is there a way to add Popcorn Time and or Kodi .
Went to Iptv but dont see options to add .
All advice appreciated as always.
Really appreciate the time people give to the set up and advice

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
You can get kodi direct on these boxes but its not worth the effort as its very buggy and likes to crash whenever it feels like it
You can add Kodi direct through plugins/extensions.
It's actually working at the moment for some feeds but as is often the case it will probably be short lived.
If it ever became constant and reliable , we would add it to Wooshbuild, but up to date that has never been the case.
I do try it on a regular basis but in six months it has never lasted a week before crashing again.