

I'm running vix and blue hd skin.
when I select media the list of programs that I have recorded are squashed height wise . I can only just make out what they say.
its like the row is sliced in half .
hiw to fix ?
Cheers in advance .;-)
What box are you using? post your question i that section, as you have people only interested in one box and only go to that section, therefore won't see this post.
Xpeed lx2 box .
Tried in the interface adjustment section , but cannot find "fit to tv screen" option .
Am I missing something ?
Menu - Setup - System - User Interface - Position Setup

Set the visibility to about 200, then use the options to size the menu to the TV screen

Strange 1 this as people occasionally report same using one of my backups. Has happened on ibox and zgemma too. But rare so I think maybe reflash can work if above recommendations don't. Just guessing
When I try the above it doesn't change the picture on the screen at all ..
lam I doing something wrong ? Tried changing all the numbers but nowt changes guys ..?
You just need to adjust the white lines on the outside of the guide to fit inside you TV. As in picture

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Set ur av settings to 720p and 50hz and try again.

---------- Post Merged at 12:48 AM ----------

Then after u can set them back.
you need to go into your listings press menu on remote. movie list setup, go into settings, scroll down to font size, will be on probably 0 change to -5 press green to save job done

Its a skin setting no need to change any other settings
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You may be able to sort this by going into the menus for display and altering the number of rows shown. Try going in to media and pressing menu and seeing if the number of rows option is there. Just a thought