reflash new image


Hi, need advice, i've got the 2 plus se box with openpli image already on it.but i want to put the vix on.
I've tried flashing with the usb i use already on box but when i try it just loads up the pli everytime?
Is it the usb as the box recognises it now?
Try a different USB and make sure the only folder on the usb is cloudix. Some USB pens are ok to 'live' in box but not good for flashing. For eg, I have a Sandisk USB permanently in box but it won't flash a box. I need to use my Kingston pen to flash
Thanks will try that tomorrow,will need to buy new usb will any make do as long as its 4gb or less?
It can be more than more than 4GB if you want, esp if you plan to record on it. Kingston seems to be reliable to flash with
Ok,cheers will give it a go with a Kingston as i,ve tried with sandisk 8gb and a cheap 16gb but both wont work?
Try a low level format tool (google it)on both pens before you buy one tomorrow - it may work. In an earlier throead someone mentioned ruffus as a tool to use
dont go over 32gb for flashing. Wont flash. Kingston g4 16gb just fiver on amozon

---------- Post Merged at 12:48 AM ----------

If u low level format it should solve the needing to buy. I dont like sandisk. Never reliable (for me)
Thanks Sucmnsee will try the low level first.
If successful should i flash the latest vix 127 or yours?
Cheers Snapper just waiting on this format tool to finish!
In another thread you say to do a full windows format after?
My images are set up for people who arent too techy.
If u feel like giving it a go urself play around with a new image. Will take a good bit if its ur first enigma box, but youll get to know whats what ;)

---------- Post Merged at 11:16 PM ----------

P.s. as soon as I get a chance I will do fresh 2+, 2+se and zgemma unofficial vix images. But very little new (if anything) so bottom of a busy list lol
i'm still trying to reflash this 2+ se but not having it! i tried the low level tool on 2 sticks but to no avail, will have to wait and see if new usb works on it!
i got a 2+ and no probs with that with same usb i did numurous flashes and all ok, just want to upgrade but this se is doing my head in!:arrgh:
Make sure ur using the se flash for the se box.

Try again with the low level format tool. I use hddguru.
FULL format with this then FULL format with windows. Then try again To flash.

I had 2 perfectly good sticks corrupt yesterday but both fixed and flashing again now.

Also u can try a fresh image off just in case if u like.
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Done it! i went back to my original sandisk and only 'quick' formatted with HDDguru then quick windows format and it worked!
Just setting up now after intitialising usb.
Thanks for your help,any more i should put on or do?
Make sure EPG and recordings are set to HDD and not internal flash. You may also want to make sure EPG and autobouquets are set to update each day.
Time shift set to /hdd.
if ur using small usb disable auto timeshift. If big set to two mins Or whatever.
ignore the cec.