Replacement Mag remote problem

Hi all,

I bought a replacement remote for mag tv box. It worked for a day or so but isn't now.
I have the original remote and that works again. Strange.

On the replacement remote, regardless what button I press, the top left power button (in blue) flashes. If I release a button it stops.

Anyone ever seen this before?

Thanks for any help.
What mag are you using. If it's a 250 I have a spare you can have.
If 256. 254.322. EBay will have one
Yes I have had a 322 stick and runs riot through channels
Yes mate. It's yours if you need it brand new unused.

Pm me your addy. And will get it sent tomorrow..
Royal mail 2nd class... stick a pound in a charity box when passing..

Thanks mate but I was referring to the chap who started the post not for me lol, kind of you to offer though mate.