Starview 7 Boxes - on / off for good


Can anyone update me on whats happening with these boxes im presuming they are done for good ? is that the case?? Hope not i have 5 very expnsive digital clocks at home.??
i dont think they will be bk on been to long now.....just like what happened in ireland imho.....made there money an ran by the look of it
IMO if Starview do what they did in Ireland they will effectively burning their uk bridges also and unable too operate in this country under the Starview brand , that's not too say a new box manufacturer will not appear in the coming months using the Starview server etc
To be honest, even if the boxes never do allow anyone to be capable of going beyond what they were actually marketed as ever again, then they will always serve as, and provide content it was advertised and placed on the market to do, the fact that firmware can modify the box to receive channels sent down cables
through the internet is not something the manufacturers of these boxes can be held responsible for, which is why they have not (quite rightly had to answer claims of users who feel let down by the lack of support they were expecting from the company that never made such claims other then market it as it was, which
was a free to air box) If they did make claims to do what they are capable of doing the company would of been busted by now, aswell as the server, which goes without saying that 44,000 imported boxes that need no modification whatsoever except for loading firmware on to it, is not something that the manufacturers have to answer to. The fact that it's made police more aware to the fact that starview brand boxes are easily modified using firmware on a usb stick
is nothing that could close the company who made them down. If it was that the manufacturers could of been held liable for what
boxes that are not capable of breaking any law without additional user interaction to modify them, then the manufacturer would of been shut down well before Starview 2 box was even marketed, for there to now be Starview 7 box, prooves my point. Which also means, the manufacturer has nothing to hide or run away from, even the Starview Brand Name has not done anything to deserve any negativity as it still does what it has always
claimed to do and nothing more. The good thing is, is that your expensive digital clock, is actually a freeview box with the ability to record media to an external usb device, but unfortunately not the same device which you were prepared to pay for whilst the servers were running.

The only thing I can suggest is that you hang on to these boxes, or you could try and sell them on eBay, but to be honest, due to people having the wrong
impression being new to the scene, starview 6 & 7 boxes have been going on there for as little as £30 - £40 buy claiming they thought it was a satellite box not cable. Who in your right minds would pay out £149 for something if they were unsure as to what it actually was they were buying, for them to then list it for £30 rather then send it back and get a refund? The reason why they dont do that, is because they have loaded the box with modified firmware, cant get no channels up except the freeview ones, which makes them think they have a useless box, which they have to sell of cheap as they do not know how to restore the original boxes factory firmware, which then voids any right to a refund. So unfortunately until or if the server ever does come back online, then you need to make a choice as to, whether you want to keep the boxes, or risk selling them where your competing against those listing them for £30 - £50. The longer people see no server back the more cheaper boxes will become, and in no doubt by the bucket loads as more people try to at least get some amount of money back regardless of how little it would be, but would be happy with something then nothing at all.

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Hard to say really as channels actually went off a few days before the raid took place. So it could be that these guys were getting cold feet after possibly clicking on to the fact that they may of been being watched, so could of turned off the server to lay low for a while, it could of been that they were in the process of setting it back up but busted as soon as or before the flicked the switch. I've done pirate radio, so I guess it works pretty much in the same way, where you are scouted out prior to the raid, and the bust takes place if possible while the equipment is in use where individuals on the premises can be held accountable for operating the equipment, as then it would be a very successful pay off for the old bill to pull that off.
However, the server could be linking either wirelessly or using a microwave link, which is more harder for the signal to be traced. Another thing is that one of the guys who were busted was chinese which whether or not is purely coincidental I dont know, but I guess a theory could be that he would be one of the main links in which ordered in stuff from china and could possibly of been waiting for stock to arrive, due to the server going down, but got busted before it ever came. There again it may just of been Joe Bloggs running a private large scale c/s but with the amount of equipment seize though it may of been a well organized profit making business @ the expense of those operating the Starview Server.
So like I say it's hard to tell, and everything so far aswell as what I say is all rumor, but I would go down as saying that if nothing is back up by the end of the month, then it's not looking very good whatsoever.
good points, but i thought the raid had nothing to do with the server being down/ just stock? and its the cards being burnt out/not the server that is causing the current situation. this happened in ireland dIdnt it & they NEVER GOT IT BACK, so if like you said its not back on by the end of the month perhaps we will never get it back either.yes, these boxes are sold as FTA ,but who in there right mind would pay £99 for these when you can pay as little as £20 or less for a freeview box/ we all know why people buy these boxes/ because VM are a ripoff , just like great britand. i holiday in spain last year and ask tha landlord what he was payin for his service & he told me £20 per month. now if VM charged that i for one & many more of you i think would pay this & not go down this road of hassle. iv had my sv7 now for 2months so you could say iv had my money back but for those of you that just bought yours i feel very sorry, yes they are being sold on ebay very cheaply so maybe someone knows more than we do? i guess a lot of you are going down the road of buyin the kptview, but who knows if the same thing wont happen to them/ ITS A CHANCE YOU TAKE FOLKS LOL. starview have made alot of money from us but there NOT RESPONSIBLE/NOT DONE ANYTHING WRONG.....

Three men have been arrested in Derbyshire on suspicion of trying to defraud Virgin Media, through use of a large number of modified cable boxes.
A Starview card share server, able to deliver subscription cable TV programming for free to the boxes, is also rumoured to have been shut down in connection with with the arrests.
Anthony Ginnivan, Melvyn Howard and Jong You were charged at Southern Derbyshire Magistrates’ Court on Friday, after a police raid at Fernwood Close, Littleover, on Tuesday.
Prosecutor Andrea Charity said that 44,000 modified cable boxes were said to be involved, though did not state how many of these had been sold directly.
The busted operation is rumoured to have involved the large scale sale of modified Starview boxes, connected to a Starview server on a subscription basis.
This would allow buyers to access premium TV content from Virgin Media without having to pay for it. However, they would need to pay the accused a smaller monthly fee to access the server providing the free TV.
While the Starview server was said to be located in Asia, and therefore outside the direct jurisdiction of UK law enforcement, it appears to have been shut down anyway.
Detective Sergeant Graham Prince, said: “We have been working closely with Virgin Media as part of an investigation into TV fraud. It is alleged that this is a key part of an operation to defraud Virgin Media.”
Malcolm Davies, Virgin Media’s head of fraud and security said: “We take this matter extremely seriously and will continue to work closely with all the police forces throughout the UK to prosecute individuals connected with this type of TV fraud.”


mixtixx2011 thanks for that but theres a lot of ifs and buts, do you think someone else could set up as a server or to risky being that it is just a matter of time before the old bill come knocking on door?
mixtixx2011 thanks for that but theres a lot of ifs and buts, do you think someone else could set up as a server or to risky being that it is just a matter of time before the old bill come knocking on door?

The if's and But's are all that anyone can answer truthfully at the moment, is why I made no suggestions that what I say is correct, but merely looking at the evidence the papers printed, and being in a raid type experience before, then that's possibly a few things to of happened, but only possibly.
Even the paper say's "It's rumored" that the server was also took down "in connection" with the raid. "in connection" is not suggesting that the server was in the same property that got raided. So nothing concrete in proof there either.

Again, years back working on Pirate Radio was less dealt with as quickly as what it has become over the last few years. But if to run the be the one held personally responsible to run such a risk if done in the same methods Pirate Radio ran, then there were always People willing to offer premises in exchange for a Transmitter and or a spare bedroom in which became the stations studio.
However, to not be held personally reliable or connected to running or setting up the server in any way would require finding people who are willing to store the server in their premises, and would be aware of the risks if they were raided, but if rewarded generously, most was no doubt take the offer up. Needless to say you would be looking to find someone who is unemployed and struggling to make ends meet etc where that extra bit of cash, could be the difference in how much someone would be required to pay out, generally, the more desperate & drug addicted (as bad as it sounds) is the cheapest yet ironically the fact that they are off their heads 9 times out of 10 makes it no task in trying to convince them to rent space for the equipment.
Where I can only see the similarities in Pirate Radio and Obtaining a Server location in the same light is concerned is that the station was ran 24 hours a day over the weekend, so there were always DJ's present to keep an eye on stuff. Suffice to say, it is not required to be there at all once the switch is pushed after the setup, but unless you can find someone you have trust in not selling your server when the money you paid them was spent on their next fix had already been blown for them to eye up the server as possible security deposit for strapping the next fix will always be a possibility lol.
As for the rest of it, I cant say as I'm not familiar with how the actual amount of equipment would be used or what it is that is used to be honest lol, but in terms of not having the comeback to have the risk put on the one setting it up is concerned then that can depend on the individual asked and how willing and tempting the offer is, but there again if you went the the desperate for cash route, you could get any stranger that does not have clue as to who the person responsible for the setup and operation of the server really is, if ever it were that they got done, which if for drugs, then they will automatically take the rap for the server lol. more so if it's a stranger, but again the risk of how long the server lasts over the lack of care in covering the fact that the property is occupied by a load of pot heads, to be the only reason everything went down would be more of case of when and not if, how long it could last for.
You could probably go as far as to supply just neighbors on either side of you, which could supply them both with all channels through something as cheap as a USB Wifi Adapter and C/S server set up with Subs, or supply the whole street with a High Powered Wi-fi Signal Booster Antenna which you could boost the signal radius by about 400/500 meters for approx £10 inc P+P.
Then you just have to get the required amount of Subs, and people to give names and addresses for, which will be one of the bigger problems, as to get the subs, it has to be linked with an address in which the subs are traced back to if ever recovered in the raids.

I suppose another aspect is to how much you can financially afford to outlay the initial setup outlay, but obviously seems to be quite rewarding and worthwhile if the individual took the time to think it all out.
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