Swap file


Ray Vonn

I've setup my swap file to use a micro sd card
Question is could someone please explain the role the swap file plays please.
Just to help me understand a little more about this fantastic box
Take a box without a swap file:

500mb of ram with 5 things running. These could be plugins, IPTV player or anything else, all of this consumes 495mb leaving you 5mb

When you then make the box do something else, or the box just does something else, the thing it wants to do takes 50mb - oh crap, no room, crash. This is the extremes.

With a swap file:

500mb of ram, just the same as above but this time, the swap file kicks in.... it takes plugin one and two and puts them into the swapfile - exactly as they are in memory. It then clears the real memory. So now you might have 100mb free instead of the 5mb as above. So your new plugin, or whatever the box does has enough ram.

In short, when you need more memory, the box will SWAP the memory out to the FILE. And it will do this seamlessly.

BUT: We have cache flush now, which can be set to run silently every 5 minutes. This clears uneeded temp files and junk from the ram which free's up ram on its own. But there is no downside to creating a swap file which may not ever be used, but even with cache flush running, you could still run out of memory if you opened enough stuff within the 5 minutes.

A swap file is free and worth having on a 2S, H2S, any box with little memory. Now even a big box with lots of memory can run out if enough is running. So a swap file there still wouldn't hurt.
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Perfect thanks for the superb explanation and BTW loving the way the software works great job
Many thanks
I was thinking exactly the same thing about what the purpose of the swap file, my setup is the timeshift and recordings are stored on a NAS drive and I don't think I have a swap file running.

Scrap comment below, it looks like you can't create a swap file on a network drive.

How can I check this and is it possible to create a swap file for 2 boxes on a NAS?
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Newbie here......Where can I find if my recently acquired H2S has a swap file and if it hasn't what are the steps to create one? Thanks.