Cable Two Fold Help Please



I have a Zgemma Star H2 box and it works flawlessly. I am based just outstide liverpool and it connects to the liverpool area on virgin no problem.

My friend from the wirral then bought one and we set it up in my house. Worked again flawlessly but when he takes it home it has issues.

It is using Virgin and MT_pockets firmware

  • He rescans channels and it has all the channels although all the HD channels are not working and say N/A. This is not a setting on the box as when he brought it back to mine the HD channels are working again
  • Although other channels work, when he does the Auto bouquets (delete old first), all channels stop working although still showing in favourites. He has to rescan to make them work again.

My thoughts are that maybe on the wirral they dont use the liverpool area code, is this likely and does anyone know what they might use?

Or any other ideas? At the moment for whatever reason the box is unseable for him as it just loses channels everytime its turned off etc, and cannot get HD
Thankyou for your help.

Is this for Virgin?

See when i go to Auto Bouquets > providers >

It has Liverpool 41008 or Liverpool 41016

But based on your link to the post above it should be

LIVERPOOL 1 - NORTH TW 40966 571.000 6.952
LIVERPOOL 2 - NORTH TW 40965 571.000 6.952

In the list provided it also has Wirral which is where he is based, but that is not on the Auto Bouquets Providers on my list :

The one in the article posted is

Wirral Merseyside 1 Ex C&W 41048 666.750 6.952
Wirral Merseyside 2 Ex C&W 41060 666.750 6.952

Am i missing something?

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41048 in my auto bouquets comes up as Manchester 3? But in your list it says Wirral Merseyside

Is this or the 41060 the right one to use if he is on the wirral?