Vu+Duo2 as Server / Vu+Zero Client


I'm a newbie, having spent the last few days reading the forums. I think I'm ready to take the plunge and get myself an Enigma 2 based box.

I currently have Sky+HD in the main room with a regular Sky Box in the second room. I am looking at replacing the Sky+HD box with the Vu+ Duo2 and setting this up a server to the second box Vu+ Zero.

Can I remove the viewing card from the Sky+HD box and use this in the Vu+Duo2 and still be able to receive Sky Sports HD channels on the Vu+ Duo2. I read that Sky have paired their HD boxes with the viewing card to prevent people from doing this. How do I know if my Sky+HD box uses this level of encryption.

Is the Vu+ Duo2 overkill for what I want to do or can I achieve the same with cheaper alternative boxes?
