Xtreme ID


I installed Xtreme software supplied by my server on 2 new Zgemma H2s boxes and when I checked both boxes have the same ID and cannot connect to server. Could any off the learned members explain how this can happen and fix for this please.
Many thanks in advance.
Have you tried connecting to only one box first to make sure the line is active.
Or get in touch with your provider and explain to him, he might not allow you to run 2 boxes from one line
the way mac addresses work with the plugin is as follows..... when it was realised that a lot of clone boxes had the same mac address the issue had to be solved. these days if you give your provider a mac and it’s a duplicate on their system the plugin now allocated a virtual mac and has done for months and months. if you have 2 boxes with the same mac you can go settings, and change it for a mac of your choice [emoji106]
You have a sub from supplier and sounds like he has connected both boxes to same sub which is fine to have same id on both, but aslong as it has at least 2 connections added to sub or only 1 will run at a time, if you can't get even 1 of them to connect when other off then need to speak to them to ask why, could be his end or your end at this point.