Zgemma H.2S Ideal HDD size for recording


I have just purchased a Zgemma H.2S and currently running the sucmnsee build.... which I might add is really good as it looks like SKY so the other half is impressed with it. I would like to add a HDD to allow me to record on the box. At present I am using a 8GB USB for the EPG.

I would like to know what the ideal size HHD that would be required? I am ware that I need a portable HDD (powered) as opposed to a portable one.
Also on a seprate note, does the box record series links or would I need to record programmes on a weekly basis my manually setting this?

Thanks in Advance.
I would like to know what the ideal size HDD that would be required?.
It depends on what you record and how much.

Recording in high-def, it will probably use somewhere inbetween 3gb-4gb per hour as a general rule. Standard def will around 1gb per hour. Those are rough estimates based on my own recordings.

I am ware that I need a portable HDD (powered) as opposed to a portable one..
I'm using an oldish 500gb laptop drive in a caddy that's usb powered plugged into the rear port on the box, with recordings/timeshift/EPG/whatever-else and haven't had any issues thus far. I'm sure there are other on here who have also stated they are using non-mains powered drives too, without any problems.

Also on a seprate note, does the box record series links or would I need to record programmes on a weekly basis my manually setting this?
I haven't used the sucmnsee build (which uses VIX), I'm using WooshBuild which uses OpenATV, but on Whoosh/ATV you can setup "Auto Timers" which are essentially series links. I would imagine VIX also has this function.
Hi, always best to use a powered HDD, however usb powered will be fine, 500gb I find is plenty for me as long as you keep on top of it. I use the sucmnsee's backup and after you press red record button you will be presented with an option.... Green for a one off recording or Blue for auto timer(series link). Hope this helps.
Thanks for the replies.
I currently have a 1TB HDD on a official VM box and only use around 35% so the maximum I'll need is 1TB.
I'll have a look on fleabay or somewhere to see if I can pick one up.
