zgemma h2s


Hi, I have two zgemma h2s, both are running fine, same setup/image etc..

One of them refuses to turn off, only way is to use the button on the back. I have flashed it a few times, so its a hardware problem.
Anyone ever taken one of those bad boys apart and if yes, would the power switch be something simple to change ?
Sitting here with a screwdriver set in anticipation :-)


Do you mean that the power switch on the front doesn't put the box into standby? I've never actually used the button on the box, I just use the remote to put into standby.
When you say both boxes have the same image do you mean that you've flashed the image from the working box to the other one?
Hi, The power switch does not work, but neither does the power button on the remote. Its like box two would rather stay on full time.
Yes, box two has an image of box one.
Thanks for the quick reply-
I would have thought that if the switch was faulty the remote would still work.
I would be more inclined to do another reflash from box 1 to rule out any corruption in the image on box 2.
Agree seems more a software glitch.
Tbh I never turn mine off at the back now and again put it on standby. :)
Press the portal button then you should have IPTV plugin show there in there.
If not press menu-plugins and install IPTV in the big list

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