zgemma star 2s recording and issues


Hi I have a zgemma star 2s the problem I have its showing and recording programs that has not been programed in and not showing them in the timers so I cannot remove them I hope someone can help as it's causing conflicts on other programs
Are you using someone else's backup, if so go into auto timers and delete that's probably where the timers are being generated
They are not showing in the auto timers list but seem to be on just BBC 1 if I scroll through the epg they show in red with a r on it but I cannot change or remove them
I was thinking about doing that I've got sucmnsee's image at the moment was gonna try slyk's image and see if that helps
The coloured buttons work to set auto timers on what I want, but the ones I haven't programed in just come up as if they ain't been programed in I've even tried setting them as a auto timer then removing it but they stay the same all red with the r logo on it
Try mtpockets backup its really good and you can do online updates as it supports the box,i like sucumnsee backup image as well
I'm new to these boxes so never changed the image yet and just ordered an usb stick to transfer the image as I have a hdd in the back then want to use the usb stick for epg and timeshift
Yea just don't want it spinning up all the time when using epg and timeshift as it would fail plus I've been having issues with epg updating when in standby as the hdd goes to sleep so hoping this will sort it out
Well my box updates in standby if I set the time for 1:00 but I get blank epg when I set it for 5:00. my main concern was burning the hdd out as it's only a portable hdd I have bought I usb splitter cable to power the hdd separately not to over power the zgemma usb ports when I install the usb stick
one of the reasons people are told not to use portable usb hdd as they have issues and to use powered ones.

all of my boxes are in standby and get epg update.

i noticed today sat was blank so downloaded again still blank so went to source unticked 28.2 and updated rytec sources and back to 28.2 and ticked downloaded info and saved and now working.

i use kingston micro 8gb usb sticks in rear for epg.
I have no problem when I update in the morning it's just a bit of a pain but now I keep it on 1:00 am and it updates fine. Do you find a usb stick better for epg I've bought a 16gb that will fit in the front usb and be able to shut the flap
I use a Scandisk 64GB USB stick for everything on my box, don't seen the need to use such a large HDD as 250gb as you can access the box via your PC and copy any TV show on to a PC that you want to keep forever, plus 64GB will provide days of recording and for less than £15 its cheaper
Well I've right messed it up I installed my usb and initialized then changed epg and cross epg to the usb now everything has transfered over to the usb and the hdd is showing full and can't record or pause tv any one has any ideas?
Gav, cant you just pull the usb, fire it into your laptop, delete all data, add it and start again, just a thought