Kryptview Glitching/Scrambled Channels Constntly for months

Hi all me again, Still having problems with my Kryptview box. It is constantly gltiching and loosing channels scrambled or no video. some channels stay on longer than others but most will go off every 5 minutes at least. The box has been like this for absolute months it is really frustrating, its getting to the point that i cant watch anything without it going off and its frustrating as hell when trying to watch something.

Are other people having the same issues or similar issues?
anyone got any tips to try to help with this or is it simply the way kv server is these days?
would i still be able to sell my bx and if so what roughly is the going rate?

Im starting to think that i will not be able to get this sorted so seriously considering just selling the box, this has gone on for months and months with very little improvement, this is meant to better my viewing experience but this lately is probably worse than not having the channels.

Any help suggestions or whatever greatly appreciated, even just letting me knowif you have or dont have similar issues.

thanks for your time and i appreciate any responses
Most of the problems are the KV server, hard wired between box & router is best, try a different port on router.
send it to me ziggy i will sort that box out.. just needs null/dell magic... and cervantes389.. zgemma H1 combo box on vermin ..and HD...cant go wrong.. little sub involved but no scram or no vid.. Watching the hammers in HD is nice....bees..!!
Hi ted, what do you mean it just needs null/dell magic? is this something i could do? have you got any info on the zgemma boxes, i have heard a bit about them lately but not really looked into it much.
The null/dell magic ziggy is my old laptop and null modem cable.. many boxes have been flashed by me and dont get problems... But i am sure the problem could be at your end or this place would light up scram or no vid constantly..!! Mine gets scram/no vid but only now and then and some days not at all... but yours seems to be constant.. i would double and triple check internet..are you using home plugs or from kv direct into router.? Cant fault the zgemma H1 on vermin... not seeing scram/no vid.... well thats priceless.. even for a few quid a year.. but you need to make sure your signal/internet is working fine or you will be back to square one... If you wish you can send me your box and i can send you mine as i dont get the grief you do..!! if it still glitches etc then the problem is your end.. i would hook yours up here and see how it goes but would prob just flash it and then watch it.. A bit long winded but cheaper than buying a new box only to have the same problems.. The offer is there..Ted..
have you got the zgemma H1 combo box ?
looking to move from the kryptview hd box.

how does the zgemma h1 combo box work?
how much is the box?
how much is the sub?

how long have you had that box?
cheers for reply again ted, how can i test to see if its a problem with my connections? im pretty sure the internet connection is fine but might be an issue with the coaxal but i also doubt tat as i never loose basic channels, honestly just about had enough of this box, im trying to watch sky sports new and getting scrambled or no video message about once a minute, its unbearable, 1 thing i noticed is certain channels seam ok and others are really bad, would it be worth me trying to reflash the box with my null cable, think the last time i updated i just done it online on the box. would any of this be causin problems and if so is there any work arounds or anything i can test to see what may be causing problems. this is about my last try though , so close to just selling this, if i can
Hello ziggy..As beeb and itv are showing glitch free then the vermin feed is fine.. So that only leaves the box or your internet.. Can you plug the ethernet lead from back of kv box it into a laptop or ps3 or xbox or something to see if you go online with it and its not dropping out/losing connection and that will rule out the lead.. and that just leaves the kv box.. Reflash with bin file from tk downloads and a null cable from linc sat nick nacks... I will check with my dundee box and see if they are having the same problems.. what channels are the worse..? and i will get them to try the same..Ted
Im having the same problem. Although im running a 850hd and a 780 through a splitter I've never known it to be so bad. Exactly the same as ziggy on the 780 sports seem to be fine except ssnews but other channels seem to scramble a lot. I've not messed with my setup and everything used to be fine, then came the superhub and I think that's where my problem has started. The 850 scrambles too but not as bad as the 780. Close to throwing the 780 myself. All my leads and connection's should be fine as they have not been touched in years. I've mainly found the problem on documentary channels and ssnews.
at the time we all did and not alot of those boxes made,i am talking about enigma2 open sourced boxes.
hi ted, tbh im not certain of which channels are worse at moment sory, before i alsways struggled with sky sports 4 but that is a channel i often watch so could just be that i notice it on that but seems like certain channels glitch a lot worse than other channels, im pretty sure the ethernet and router are all fine tbh i play on xbox live and never loose connection. looing at info for zgemma boxes if possible, cant take much more of this kv box tbh its never really worked that good for me, my dads freind in dundee has one also i might try and get him to bring his box down to my house and see if his has same problems as i do, thanks again for help
No problem ziggy.. I just sent a zgemma upto dundee about a month ago or so and he had a A780 that i now have as my spare and its been fine or as well as a normal kv can be..whats the chances its the same one i sent..! Are his initials AB..?
The things i do for you ziggy..! |This morning i sat after finishing a night shift and watched on SS4 the most boring sport in the whole wold ..Golf..! for one whole hour and my pic did not freeze once.. no scram or no vid...! It was painful but had to be done..needed more than 2 joints for that bees.. That is a terrible sport..So i am still convinced the problem is either your box or some internet problem.. Ted
Might be a really thick question but what is enigma2 open sourced boxes? Also glad to report both my a780 and a850 are working perfectly now, glitch free at the mo! Lets see how it last. :)