Kv750 dead


VIP Member
Guys as from today the kv 750 has been terminated and will no longer operate, the server for this box has been shut down, the a780 and the a850 will be the only working boxes now.
Never had one but am sure everyone has had there monies worth over the many years they have served well. The a780 will hopefully last a few more years before they ditch support for that as well. At the end of the day it comes down to economics and if kv don't make money they can't maintain the service we benefit from.

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hi there are they no software updates or anythin for the a750 i have had the box for 1 year dont wanna be buyin another one now
You don't have an option am afraid your going to have to buy another box either a780 but run the risk of same or an a850 which will have longer support and longevity going forward.

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oh man thanks barryboom am disappointed football season was bout to start was lookin forward to it n now my boxs gone off... u know the a780 my brother got one how long will that be lastin any idea.... also wat are the prices for a850 n how long they last want it to last like a750 me n mate had it for like 2 or 3 years
Nippy everything you need is in download section loader and file for a780

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i think the 750 is about 4 years old and that is a good run ,hd850 around £250,the newer the box model the longer it should last.
Nagra 3 was introduced in 2009 and kv a750 was already out at that time and was able to be adapted to work through lan shortly there after the a780 was introduced with a better way of connecting without adaptors etc so both have been on the go several years and as they are only standard def etc in my opinion have had there time. Only about a year ago was the new a850 released which is hd. I believe that they will continue to support and develop software for a780 until they can be 100% sure that new box is up to job and as reliable as its counterpart was and has been over the years.

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Nagra 3 was introduced in 2009 and kv a750 was already out at that time and was able to be adapted to work through lan shortly there after the a780 was introduced with a better way of connecting without adaptors etc so both have been on the go several years and as they are only standard def etc in my opinion have had there time. Only about a year ago was the new a850 released which is hd. I believe that they will continue to support and develop software for a780 until they can be 100% sure that new box is up to job and as reliable as its counterpart was and has been over the years.

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where can i get the a850 box from is that highly receommended or is they any other boxs... my mate had a sky box one but its rubbish he says every year he needs to renew it and sometimes it doesnt work the box any recommendations....
wow digging through archives firmware 2009 lol,hopefully better times ahead now.;)

a skybox rubbish lol,people dont listen and buy 1.
If its longevity yes. If you post up your location someone will contact you in the area who sells locally or buy online somewhere. I would however like to say that sky box is far superior and if you get a good server you will have little if any issues they do however have a yearly sub but you get what you pay for I suppose.

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i would argue about a skybox 60% of posts on forums are problems with box,that to me is far too high and with clones thrown in and different firmwares its a minefield.
Again buy cheap you pay the price. Buy from reputable supplier and connect to good server and you will have no issues odd channel file update standard stuff via usb and no hassles. My double figure customers are all happy and not 1 failed box. Again you get what you pay for.

Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 4
You don't need large breasts to get a good service from me but I tell you it helps. LoL

Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 4
i would argue about a skybox 60% of posts on forums are problems with box,that to me is far too high and with clones thrown in and different firmwares its a minefield.

Agree would not touch this box with a barge pole , most people who do buy it as well never do any homework on this box until they spalsh their £50 then they find out abt it's problems
I know it's probably not a straight answer but anyhow, I'm getting a Krytview A780 today if I find someone who sells them for a good price. But seeing how the A750 is now dead, is there much of a future for the A780? It would be a facepalm moment to buy one then have it die just a few months down the line lol.
I know it's probably not a straight answer but anyhow, I'm getting a Krytview A780 today if I find someone who sells them for a good price. But seeing how the A750 is now dead, is there much of a future for the A780? It would be a facepalm moment to buy one then have it die just a few months down the line lol.

No I think you will be ok for forseeable future