Kv750 dead

Well i have a skybox and have never had any problems with it in any way shape or form, its user error that causes problems imo !
put it this way if they kill the 780 soon they may say goodbye to members,remember starview 1-7,time for a new box again,this will not happen to the 780 for a few years+ i hope.
Its always the same for any box they only come on to forums when they have issues but I have only ever once had to fix a skybox once and he had tried to upgrade the firmware without having a clue what to do. Needless to say he never went through me to purchase box only contacted me when he messed it up. Clones do however exist and therefore there is possible cause for concern when upgrading clone with legit software and vice versa. But I find them very reliable and much more to offer than cable and much more stable. But that's my opinion and happy to help sky or cable box users in what ever choice they make allowing for budget they have available.

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Its always the same for any box they only come on to forums when they have issues but I have only ever once had to fix a skybox once and he had tried to upgrade the firmware without having a clue what to do. Needless to say he never went through me to purchase box only contacted me when he messed it up. Clones do however exist and therefore there is possible cause for concern when upgrading clone with legit software and vice versa. But I find them very reliable and much more to offer than cable and much more stable. But that's my opinion and happy to help sky or cable box users in what ever choice they make allowing for budget they have available.

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hi barry i am from huddersfield would u know anyone near by and where are u from... so what price would u sell me the a850 n is they any guarantee????
also do the adult channels work on these cos need to block dem for family kids... and what bout box office does that work like on demand thanks barry
The A780 will be around for a while as lets face it...HD is good but not out of this world..!! and not everyone wants to pay the extra for HD channels..so yes worth getting one and no subs..!
I cover central Scotland don't know anyone down your way. The a850 is around £250 but ensure its pre modified before you buy otherwise your talking another £30 to sort that. A780s are not going anywhere either but only sd and in my opinion no worth it but can be picked up for around £150. Porn will work on both and will need locked down. I hope you where having a laugh about guarntee :) no box office on demand. Think I covered everything.

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