Need some help or advice as only receiving fta channels in cloud ibox 2


Hi all

I am new to all this and need some advice about problems I am currently having with cloud ibox 2 with VIX image.

I have had my cloud ibox 2 for a few weeks now and everything was working great but a few days ago, all the premium channels have gone blank and I am only able to view the fta channels now. I have tested all the network connections on a different cloud ibox and everything is working fine on that, so there is no network errors or problems with the dish.

There is also a problem when trying to download plugins for iptv list updater as it can no longer download any updates with a message saying "HTTP Error 404: Not Found" when I try to update the lists. However I can watch OnDemand so I dont think there is a network issue, i have also done a network test in network set up and everything looks good.

A fews days after I received the ibox and everything was working good I made and Full 1:1 back up. Should I do a factory reset and reinstall the back-up ? or is there a simpler solution to this problem.

If I reinstall the back-up do I need modify the setup or options for ccams or anything else ( I have very little knowledge about ccams) or will the back up make the ibox the exact same condition as it was when it was fully working ?

Any advice is much appreciated
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With no menu selected press the blue button, from the pop up select softcam manager, then select cccam and if not running press green to start, if running press yellow to restart, then press red to close, can you try that please?
When on a scrambled channel and you press ok twice to get info up do you see server status, server, ecm, etc? does you tube work?
yes youtubes works.

wheres the server status ? In the in channel information in yellow writing ? it says free to air on the left and bskyb dvb-s eurobird/astra on the right
where it says free to air mine says server details, have you tried re=scanning the channels? using bouquets maker? maybe try a test line from another provider?
Yeah i rescanned channels

how do i test line from another provider ?

I think the problem may be in the CCcam info server section - mine has a red circle before the infomation and i've told it should be green, however i dont know how to change this to green
I dont know where the red circle is, mine has a green tick to show autostart enabled. maybe post a pic? it looks like server not connected.
Difficult to see alright, what happens when you select the server? on mine thats an image of the red button but nothing happens when I press the red button, have you tried? Im using oscam thats why its hard to help.
It looks like its not need to try another line for testing. have you had it more than 3 months?
When i press ok in it it goes into another page saying share CCcam info but there is nothing in the page

I have only had it a few weeks and there has been no problems until a few days ago

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Was it all working fine when you backed it up? Maybe you should restore your last good back up and see.

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Better pic! Its not connected thats why black screen, try restore back up, if that fails you will need to try a new supplier and see if it cures it.
Yeah it was working good at time of back-up. I've no experience of reinstalling the back up and I am a bit worried i might do more damage by doing back up

Will I need to reinstall the CCcam or will the back up make everything the exact same condition as it was when it fully worked ?
It should back it up exactly as it was, if you can make a back up of your CCcam.cfg file before you restore it. To restore go to back up manager with the USB with the back up on it already plugged into box and select your back up file and follow instructions.
Yeah thanks very much for your help. I might wait a day or two to see if i can get the CCcam info to green before i do a back up reinstall.

if that is your server details edit the post,have you tried the obvious rebooting box and router, when circle is red =stopped service.

is there a switch for powering off on rear?
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