New cloud ibox 2 plus se

That's what happened to me lamd. I ordered ibox 2 plus. They sent the new one and I didn't give it any thought. Until I opened 3rd box and found slip in it with instructions. When I seen it was different box I should have researched it but it's done now and it's been a costly lesson but now I know to check lol
The se has a different look I don't understand how people can be confused plus the website is very simple it has images of the boxes.

At least you guys have learnt something from it lol
Sure have buddy. To be honest I seen it was different but didn't give it a second thought. Lesson learned for next time.
thanks buddy. yea seen him yesterday and he assured me he can sort them out so there going in post tomorrow. cheap ix if all goes well.
Hi I had a bricked cloud ibox 2 se, only had a single green light on the front panel I posted to the guy on fleabay received it back within 3 days ,works perfect now.