new update for 780 -- 4.5.07

could you possibly help me i have got ip adress passwords but cant get the port number i am using my brothers server i just need this number i have tried everywhere looked at his account details but to no avail could anyone point me in the right direction.?
You have to either contact his server or find his line details or someone else using the same server as port number is prob the same but they may have multiple servers so multiple port numbers... or failing that get a new line yourself and saves you wasting any more time...!
if box is 780 did you flash box before if yes maybe you have null modem cable and pc with rs232 port?
Hello cactikid I have only ever updated from my remote using sw/ update but it stopped doing it about oct last year, from your instructions the other day I went to go buy the cables but the lad in shop said to go and see a lad around corner who has a comp shop so he wants to meet me in morning, to be on safe side! So hopefully he's as clued up as you lot and can educate me in person.