Octagon SF8008 Initial Setup

Looking for some advice now regarding my motor setup now I have my Sf8008 setup. I have a 1 metre dish hooked up to a motorised system and use my viark 4k on usals to drive the motor which works very well for me. Smith Smudger has kindly given me a Feed splitter which will allow me to connect both boxes to the dish without the need to keep unplugging cables. My Viark will continue to be my go to box so is there any point in setting motor settings up on SF8008 so I can drive the dish for feeds? I have been using my viark to move the dish the last few days and switching the hdmi back over to SF8008 and just editing the satelite manually in tuner settings. Open to any advice if you think best to have usals setup on both boxes. I'm concious of confusing my motor.
Thanks Ferret, on the SF8008 its current pointing a 7east. If I pop in my usals co-ordinates will it automatically know the positions?
Yes it will, and if you say send the dish to 19e via the 8008 and then switch boxes back to the viark it would then move the dish to the last sat the Viark was on.
is there an idiots guide on here of how to add a line to tuxbox folder?
you need to add you line details to oscam.server file

example: cline

label = sky-cline-server
protocol = cccam
device = server,port
user = username
password = password

example: nline

label = sky-nline-server
protocol = newcamd
device = server,port
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
user = username
password = password

only edit :
you need to add you line details to oscam.server file

example: cline

label = sky-cline-server
protocol = cccam
device = server,port
user = username
password = password

example: nline

label = sky-nline-server
protocol = newcamd
device = server,port
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
user = username
password = password

only edit :
I've copied and pasted the full info from the supplier into this file and saved the file and restarted on the box but no picture as of yet. Should I leave the original text that was allready inside my server file?
I've copied and pasted the full info from the supplier into this file and saved the file and restarted on the box but no picture as of yet. Should I leave the original text that was allready inside my server file?
Are you connected on the Oscam webif ?
I've copied and pasted the full info from the supplier into this file and saved the file and restarted on the box but no picture as of yet. Should I leave the original text that was allready inside my server file?
that is hard to say we do not know if supplier just gave you line detail or oscam.server file but you only need to edit the text lines mentioned

device = server,port
user = username
password = password

ad you details to them