PS3 3.73 Firmware jailbroken

You seem to have gotten the wrong end of what information is and commenting on said information,no one here requires permission to stay abreast of what is going on,the attitude of devs is because of the haters out there,im no dev but am very capable of doing the work when shown,also is everybody from France a frog or just Mathieulh,this is getting off topic,if you want to continue this start a seperate topic and i will certainly contribute there

Your ramblings and ideas above your station regarding being some ps3 hacker are invalid I seen your willingness to learn in the cable thread. Have you got free cable yet?

I'll pass on the new thread and leave your to jailbreak you ps3 and hack nagra 3.....
Your ramblings and ideas above your station regarding being some ps3 hacker are invalid I seen your willingness to learn in the cable thread. Have you got free cable yet?

I'll pass on the new thread and leave your to jailbreak you ps3 and hack nagra 3.....

You have made your point long ago Tosh and now you are simply trying to antagonize. Sinno has done nothing to warrant your attitude and belligerence. I will ask (and that is purely in name only) that you refrain from this type of posting from now on. We value all members and their opinions here, I would hate to see you no longer part of that.
For anyone actually interested in the current state of play to the Jailbreak it has been posted on the ps3 wiki HERE

As for you Tosh,i would'nt waste my time on you as you so obviously cannot read,and as for free cable you seem to know nothing about that either as when we had it on nag 1 and nag 2 we had to still have a basic subscription so not so free,my hobbies and interest in learning are my own and certainly do not have to be justified,to many ads on tv anyway,i much prefer to watch what i want ad free,try not to leave it so long between posts with your reply next time i thought you were actually finished or was that just how long it took for you to think of a response