Who has the best starview joke


TK Supporter
all this sv crap must be pissin peeps off now,
so i think we should see who can come up with sv jokes,
i know they are a joke in itself , i shall get the ball rolling, shall i ?......

my mates bought me a telescope , as they thought i was a star gazer as i was always on
about the starviews in my house
they set up the telscope.....
and i showed them my boxes.....................:whacko:
"We take your money and serves you right at starview.." (to be sung to the tune of Rumbelows..yes from all those years ago the electrical store..anyone born after 1990..ask your parents or google it..!!) haha
Starking & the kiddy were out driving one day and see a little boy with a Starview box.

Curious, they stop the car and walk over and say "What's in the box kid?"

The little boy says "Kittens and they're brand new".

The kiddy laughs and asks "What kind of kittens are they?"

"Starview Kittens," the boy answers.

"Oh that's cute," says the kiddy and they head off.

A couple of days later starking and snedz are driving together and they spy the same boy with the box.

Starking tells snedz that they have to check out the kittens, and they run over to look.

Starking asks the boy to tell snedz what kind of kittens they are.

"Kryptview kittens," the boy says.

"Whoah!" starking says. "I came by here the other day and you told me they were starview kittens. What's up?"

"Well," the boy says, "their eyes are open now."
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Hickory dickory dock,
I went out and bought a box,
The box went down....
And so did the site,
It's time to say 'good night'
Tick tock, tick tock. :asleep:
S Should have known better..!
T Time to move to KV or Sat.!
A Admin cant spell (you know who you are 53 yrs old still no excuse..!)
R Right about now your watching freeview.!
V Vermin are probably laughing as well..!
I Interest earned from your subs.....priceless..!
E Everyone deserves a chance or two but they just took it to extremes..!
W Walk in numbers and give them that middle finger..!
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Do we even need a joke sure they have made that all by themselves spouting lies and deceit, starking and the kiddy send them on a slow boat to china without a paddle lol
what starview service???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:binoculars::beg::boo:truth hurts.
well guys looks like our friends snedz and Ospreynchick have been banned from all the main forums , they are now on TW spouting the same crap as they did here now thers a joke of all times
There was snedz in the bed & ospreynchick said "You've dropped one!! You've dropped one! :fart in bed:
So he lifted the sheet to let it out, when he saw Kiddy at his feet who gave a shout "PLEASE REMEMBER TO PAY YOUR SUBS WE'RE BACK ON!" :slap:
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