Who has the best starview joke

An angry bloke walks into a bar, orders a drink and says to the barman:

"All starview mods are arseholes."

A man sitting at the other end of the bar pipes up, "Hey. I resent that."

"Why? Are you a starview mod?"

"No. I'm an arsehole."
This isnt a joke but hell i think its quite amusing

there was a guy called ******* who was a bit of a faggot. skyboss did not give a toss because he suffered no loss.
Now people are starting to cry because its wound up in Dubai.
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There was a young Virgin called Gary,
Who tried to commit hari kari,
He started a thread to put rumors to bed,
But it was Ospreynchick he wanted to marry lol.
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They're here.......................................................Oh no they're gone AGAIN!
twinkle twinkle
starview site,
how i wonder where you are'
robbing people, left and right,
even paypal says your s**te
got my money back off them
so you wont see me again...............
After being lynched,Starviews top boy arrives at the gates of heaven,where he is met by St Peter.
St Peter asks "Why sHould I let you in?,when you were on earth you were a robbing barsteward that took thousands of subs and gave no service whatsoever.
Kiddy replies "But I've been a good man,when I saw a tramp in the street,I gave him a tenner and when I saw a crying orphan,I also gave him a tenner"
St Peter hearing all this says "Hold on a mo,I'll go and have a word with God"
After a couple of minutes St Peter returns and says "I've had a word with god , here's your £20 back....Now F**K OFF
Is there any need for a joke lol they are the joke Kiddy Starkings Snedz all plonkers lol
Twinkle, twinkle little Starview,
How I wonder what Thekiddy new,
Up above a bank so high,
Ask me a question, I can't lie. :smoke:

Twinkle, twinkle little box,
Paid my subs, still nothing to watch. :no no: EVER! Sigh!
Taken from an online dictionary


1 ) a way of taking back everything you just said
Often used as the expression "I'm just kidding"
Example---Your channels will be returning shortly, I'm just kidding.

Kidding = To tell lies
Kid= To lie.
Kiddy= A liar

There was a Tech guy called Dave,
To take Starview from the Grave,
Keep paying your subs cus were off to the pubs.
You still won’t be activated now you’ve paid! :smoke rings: ever!