7 day epg (xmltv) not working


Hi guys,

I tried downloading the 7day epg on my openbox , switched it to auto update aswell, but still not showing epg.

Any ideas ? TIA
K cheers. I've realised that it's actually showing 7 days EPG on some channels but not on others. So maybe it's just a prob with xmltv

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Same problem here. Ive updated the epg. Gone back into menu.epg settings & time. Still says needs update.Even after ive powered my openbox v8 down and says epg- Don.t know whats causing it.
If you do your homework and read thru the forum you will see that the epg for 28.2e is not 100% and has been discussed many times.
Eventually these boxes will get a working epg worth writing home about but really it's a case of watch and wait.
You can set it that it will wake up from deep sleep to do its update. I thought at the start it broke then forgot I put it in to deep sleep but you can set it to wake up. Works great now
You can set it that it will wake up from deep sleep to do its update. I thought at the start it broke then forgot I put it in to deep sleep but you can set it to wake up. Works great now
How do you get it to go to sleep? Put the sleep timer on I guess?

---------- Post Merged at 09:03 AM ----------

Thanks Silver
Putting the sleep timer on causes the box to update the epg. Mine now works until Sunday. We learn something new every day.
Ok here is what i did this morning after a failed xmltv epg update.
1st, I went into menu/epg settings and time/pressed red for update.
then the openbox downloaded the epg update.the epg downloaded and wrote to usb.then I pressed the m/p button on the remote and set sleep timer for 10 mins time to power down. Then after 15 minutes, I rebooted the openbox v8. I went into menu/epg settings and time. And it read OK.it had updated the epg...although not all channels updated. Mainly the Sly movies.When i went to sly premiere and there was no epg for that channel. It only showed what was on at Midnight.
I believe that is the time the epg/ channel info will be available. In fact Im willing to bet on it.
Hope this helps.