A780 Faulty Display..!

Ted luxston

VIP Member
Has anyone experienced their display counting from P001 upto P200 and then back to P001 again and continues looping.. the remote control wont turn it on/off but i was able to flash it with may 2013 bin file but wont stop the counting... any ideas gradually appreciated... !! Ted...ps it was a "not working" box but not working in this case is more like...totalled...!!
Has anyone experienced their display counting from P001 upto P200 and then back to P001 again and continues looping.. the remote control wont turn it on/off but i was able to flash it with may 2013 bin file but wont stop the counting... any ideas gradually appreciated... !! Ted...ps it was a "not working" box but not working in this case is more like...totalled...!!

Sounds like you are using the wrong bin file for the box, make sure its for the 780 box as they both have same date.
Ok box i will check in the download section and let you know but its the same may 2013 file i have used on all the others and the box is deffo a 780..
now boxt are you inferring ted is drunk again or on wacky backy again lol,aye reflash with 2 pint glasses on eyes lol

reflash with fta firmware and go from there.make sure box reboots and using the ted special.
Just reflashed with the FTA cacti....and the display stays stuck showing.."On"....(so it makes it stop counting..haha) then tried boxt's and digi's bin file and it goes back to counting..!! so whats next ?

---------- Post Merged at 10:34 PM ----------

I swear blind someone in here a while ago had their box stuck showing.."On"... HT and co if you can find it for me in the archives much obliged sir..!! But wii trawl through as well

Ta Ted
I've tried to flash my Kryptview A780 with 28112008 firmware and did everything properly.
But the box is now stuck on "on" and it doesn't let me do anything else. Tried turning off for 2 hours and is still stuck on "on". Tried to do a reflash but it doesn't do anything at all. Still stuck on "on".
I knew it was here somewhere..but no outcome...! S.O.B

---------- Post Merged at 11:11 PM ----------

About to watch Family guy.. and have a smoke as this is starting to sound like null all over again so i will check if i can get any display on the TV.. and go from there cactikid and thanks bro..! I will leave it showing "ON"
so you cannot access menu to see if file is in there,wondering if rs232 port faulty or wired wrong.
Just tried box to box method and still no joy bro...i will open up my box and check the wires are on the same pins..10 mins
Box.. i have tried april 2012 and nov 2012 still no joy.. running out of ideas and time..lol.. giving it another 20 mins and then we can all sleep on it... i am not about till monday am so leave any suggestions to try and i will check them after work..and thank you all for your input..Ted

---------- Post Merged at 02:21 AM ----------

And cacti rs232 is wired and secure same as mine.. but it flashes fine which is what is puzzling me..! so my mate null is still doing the bizo..
So out of 67 views..this is the best you lot can do...great..lol
So anyone got any other tips..? Cacti i opened up my one and double checked the RS232 port and all present and correct.. but that must be working as it lets me install fta bin file etc... but any ideas again would be welcomed..until 1500 then off to work..until tomor..but 99% sure the main pcb is faulty..!
It did used to do the counting thing when you flashed it with old firmware,
I think it was about the time they had all the channels go down for a few weeks.
So it's seems like it's in the dim and distant past.

Have a read here
I just tried that bees.. and thanks very much.. used that same bin file and still no joy and matey never posted back if he got sorted so we have no outcome..lol
Just like runnjing out.. i am running out of ideas..and have a working power supply unit if anyone has a dead box as this thing is just not going to work..i can either get it to do the counter thing or it just says "On"... and it wont even display on tv so cant see whats on it.. Ted may have just met his match..(but not giving up..just yet..!!)

---------- Post Merged at 02:46 PM ----------

I just googled "kv looping after flashing.." and back in 2011 there was a few in here and they all said they just put on latest firmware and sorted it.. but how comes my may 2013 bin file dont cure it..!

---------- Post Merged at 02:52 PM ----------

Just googled "looping after flashing a kv" and back in 2011 there was a few in here that had the same problem..and they flashed with latest bin file and it worked..so why it dont work for me i have no idea..if someone can send me another may bin file just in case mine has gone corrupt for some unknown reason..!!
i presume you looked at caps and all internal connections also,could someone have loaded a file by upload instead of download,unsure now if the repair guys have had this problem.
What I meant was, it was an old problem that was sorted with new firmware.
Look at the date on the posts.

The new firmware did sort it,way back.

What I would of suggested is a box to box flash using a working box, restore to factory default and rescan, but I see you have
already flashed it that way and you can't get into the menus to do the next bit.
i have one left but i aint sharing it ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................yet lol
Well cactikid..(just posted in "this is doing my head in" as it finally done my head in..) minus psu its going to be a door stop..so what you got for sharing..an old 780 for me..!!