A780 Faulty Display..!

Power supply unit has been removed from door stop 780.(keeps looping) and could possibly make another ted special work again..got lucky on fleabay on another "not working 780" ...love a good challenge.. !! keep you posted... Ted(super).. lol
Have you tried snipping the wires in plug and re terminating Ted. I worked on one for someone once and it must have had a dry solder joint and luckily this did the trick. Worth a try.

jodav :)
Hey up Ted, I thought you were the man, if you and rest of VIP's can't sort it, then what chance have us members got. Do a John Cleese, Faulty Towers, but instead of hitting it with a branch, get a big F*** off hammer speak to the box giving it every chance to work, if it don't then start laughing as you whack it with the hammer!! or you could put it under the car wheel wind the window down and listen to that lovely crunching sound.
Thanks for that healm..!!! lol and jodav i pulled the ribbon from the "counting one"..(first one) and display went off..soooo.. the 2nd one which has a working psu but no display i suspect could be a dodge ribbon..(you lot keeping up..) i will look for soldering iron in garage and set to work..boro fc is on standby but does not yet know it..!!
Hello folks i am after a non working A780 if anyone has one going for free or cash.. these 2 here are doing my head in and need to get one of them working.. i can cover all costs.. Ted..pm me if you can help and we can chat..!
Well its third time time unlucky at repairing broken 780 boxes so only null/dell being used from now on..UNLESS someone knows how to reduce the vermin feed into back of box...tried variable thingy still no good... Considering some de soldering etc as I am sure I can make one of these bloody boxes work.. Keep you posted..or pm me if you got solutions...and cactikid..I know your YouTube hammer fix is bookmarked..lol