blocked vpn needed

Have a look at the android based review thread easiest and cheapist would be 4k firestick with ethanet adaptor and csn have vpn on it aswell £49.99 for stick and £13 for ethanet adaptor or can get Amiko A6 for same price and use mytvonline app and csn have vpn on that plus a few other devices

Android Based Devices Reviews
Hi all
I've got iptv with a bit of glitching and sticking now and again on virgin ,wondering whether a vpn would help and which 1 would be best suited for the job
Regards pabu
I noticed changing the v.p.n Protcol
Works better with different isp providers
Open VPN or IkEv2 Beta Also by changing
The Protcol from Open VPN (TCD) to Open VPN (UDP) Makes a difference in speeds
When doing speed test
Have a look at the android based review thread easiest and cheapist would be 4k firestick with ethanet adaptor and csn have vpn on it aswell £49.99 for stick and £13 for ethanet adaptor or can get Amiko A6 for same price and use mytvonline app and csn have vpn on that plus a few other devices

Android Based Devices Reviews
I have got a fire stick 4K but not sure what do with it as I have never used it .. sorry for the Q’s
What app do install ?
How do add iptv lines?
How do install vpn ?
Do I need the Ethernet adapter ?
I have got a fire stick 4K but not sure what do with it as I have never used it .. sorry for the Q’s
What app do install ?
How do add iptv lines?
How do install vpn ?
Do I need the Ethernet adapter ?
If was using mag box previously simply install stb emu pro and change the mac from stb emu pro to the one of the mag box so it imites the mag box mate.
If you need any help we are always on hand or I can pm you a guide to get stb emu pro onto your firestick.
Or some providers will have their own apps you can use
Magbox does have issues with portals being blocked. So may be not wise to use mag box for iptv. Try a different device if your able to.
blocked vpn needed

I still haven't worked out why anyone would need a blocked VPN View attachment 54776 :ROFLMAO:
I use a hacked app and it does me proud no issues whatsoever, I'm in Scotland so I just select Manchester ( nearer than the London server) and I don't really lose much speed, on the laptop I use openvpn and its pretty partial to random disconnects and sever authorisation fails.

@Tobias What's happening is it iptv issues? Have you tried another iptv app mate?
I use a hacked app and it does me proud no issues whatsoever, I'm in Scotland so I just select Manchester ( nearer than the London server) and I don't really lose much speed, on the laptop I use openvpn and its pretty partial to random disconnects and sever authorisation fails.

@Tobias What's happening is it iptv issues? Have you tried another iptv app mate?

Hi Mate, its all good here. Apparently there was another block initiated on Saturday, I was unaffected though. Been fine since the big block 10/12 days ago.
Got a VPN now as supplier said its a must. Running Nord VPN, lost abit of sped on channel transition but hardly worth moaning over.
Has anyone else's NBCSN stopped? Mine been down past 2 weeks, everything else works. It was really good for PL coverage.
Maybe the supplier lost the guy who provided that channel
Has anyone else's NBCSN stopped? Mine been down past 2 weeks, everything else works. It was really good for PL coverage.
Maybe the supplier lost the guy who provided that channel
Nbcsn dont work now peacock tv USA have the rights for premier league now. Peacock tv is a USA subscription service