Boy Aged Four Found Dead In Tumble Dryer


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The body of a four-year-old boy has been found in a tumble dryer at his family home in Ashbourne, Derbyshire.


The boy, who has not been named, had been reported missing earlier today.

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*** UPDATE ***

A four-year-old boy has been found dead in a tumble dryer at his family home in Derbyshire.

The child was reported missing from the garden of his home on Northcliffe Road, Ashbourne, shortly after 10.30am on Monday morning.

A police helicopter was scrambled to search for the youngster, but he was found just under an hour later by his distraught mother and a police officer.

Detectives would not say whether the dryer was switched on when the boy's body was found.

A spokeswoman for Derbyshire Constabulary said no one has been arrested.

The spokeswoman added: "It's normal procedure to search the house to make sure whoever is missing isn't found there.

"They were searching outside with the force helicopter and they also searched inside the house and that's where they found him.

"He was found by his mother, who had a police officer with her at the time.

"She's distraught, as can be expected, and is receiving medical attention."

Details of the tragedy have been passed to the local coroner.

A post-mortem examination of the child's body is due to take place later and an inquest will be held into his death.
That is so very very sad, poor little boy and I feel so sad for the parents, R.I.P.
OMG how awful! the mother - well i hate to think what she is going thro. You just dont expect your child to play in things like that, but if he was playing hide n seek and the dryer was open he probably thought he could hide there, not knowing that once the door is shut it cant be opened from the inside. But without knowing you would imagine he died of asphyxiation - being his own doing poor little mite! The dryer would not have had to be on as the door can be opened ( on most dryers) when its not in operation and slammed shut.

RIP little fella :(:(
that is so sad i just cant ima how the poor woman felt when she found him so very sad my heart goes out to them