CCam on red light


Hello all,

Am a newbie and just getting to grips with the boxes. I have two and they are both on the same router (new as the ee one kept blowing up). The upstairs box running on a TP Link works brilliantly but the downstairs one will not connect and show the slky channels.

I have tried lots of advice on here and have an internet connection showing with an IP address but the CCam has a red light indicator.

Would anyone be able to help me out?

Thanks so much

Hi and thanks for reply. I am not sure how to do this. Do you know anyone that could help with this?
Tried to fix cams, still no Sky channels. I can get iPTV and all freeview but the rest is still just blank screen with the EPG information shown.
Tried to fix cams, still no Sky channels. I can get iPTV and all freeview but the rest is still just blank screen with the EPG information shown.
Have you tried restarting your cam ? Blue on remote > Softcam > Softcam Panel, red to stop, then yellow to restart.
Are you sure your line is ok, how and where have you you installed cccam.cfg

Where abouts is this red light in the menu?
I have had the same problem , box works fine at my house on a router that you can configure yourself .
I then took the box to show someone and coundn't get it to work with sly channels, tried everything.
the only thing different was the internet provider and a router that comes preconfigured. I can only put it down to their router....
Add google dns servers under network settings. I think some people have had trouble with talk talk/post office broadband.

Google dns and
Are you using the same Ccam for both boxes? That may be your problem unless your provider has sold you a multi-room Ccam. Probably best to try a different Ccam for your secondary box.

Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk